The LoyaltyDog plugin has 3 tabs: Manager's Portal, Settings and Documentation. The Settings tab will look like the screenshot below:

In order to enable the LoyaltyDog plugin on your website to communicate with the LoyaltyDog servers, you will need to insure that the 3 main API parameters are properly filled in. All of these parameters are provided to you by LoyaltyDog when you sign up for a Woocommerce Add-On or Stand-Alone version of LoyaltyDog.

  • API URL: This is a path to a LoyaltyDog server.
  • Program ID: This is a numeric value that specifies the specific program corresponding to your business.
  • API Key: This is a long alphanumeric string that must be copied exactly into the field - think of it as a password.

Also, we suggest that the Debug Log checkbox remain unchecked unless LoyaltyDog technical support requested a log from you to assist with issues.